The Internet has definitely improved a Recruiters experience due to Social Media now dominating the techniques and strategies of Sourcing and Recruiting. Given the current scenario, it is only obvious that Social Media channels would be the way to go, where recruiting and sourcing is concerned. With that being said, the next point that comes to the fore is deciding on the channel that will give you adequate results.

Of the popular social media that is available Facebook is a good channel to meet all your recruiting needs, but no matter which channel you pick it isn’t a perfect one. Keeping this in mind although Facebook is a good channel it too has its pros and cons where recruiting is concerned, so let’s find out what they are…

Pros of Recruiting with Facebook

Before we go into the cons let’s find out more about the pros of recruiting with Facebook.

Get connected with a huge crowd

There’s a reason why Facebook is a popular social networking site, for obvious reasons. Its user database is 1 billion and still counting, comprising of individuals from various walks of life. As a result of this you have access to all kinds of people with varied skill sets that you are sure to find based on your requirement.

Instant Response to Posts

Given the magnitude of Facebook’s users and if you’re an active one at that, then you probably know that the moment you post anything, you can expect it to receive immediate responses.  You get responses within a short span of time, for instance when you shout ‘Free Cake’, it instantly attracts people towards your post. Therefore, your job post needs to create the same effect.

Advertise to likeminded individuals

Taking in to consideration the kind of individuals you have access to, you can definitely hope to receive a good amount of traffic to your job post. In order to attract crowd, it is essential that you target the right crowd when advertising. Once you’ve done this you can then expect results, provided that the content displayed attracts and engages the viewers.

Cons of Recruiting with Facebook

Now that we’ve covered up the pros let’s get to the cons of recruiting with Facebook.

An Account is required to sign up
Just like any other social network site requires you to have an account to sign up; Facebook too follows the same procedure. Keeping this in mind, creating an account just for advertising seems to be too much.  Besides you can always ask an employee to advertise a job post on your behalf but then you’re subjecting your post to be a spammer and that aren’t doing anyone, no good either. Let alone resulting in the post being missed by individuals that ever fancied working for you.

Your efforts might be ignored completely or go unnoticed

Although there are groups that can be created and joined based on your interests and fields that have their own crowds. These same groups are constantly flooded with advertisements of competitors so you are likely to be unsuccessful, if it is not interesting enough. If your posts aren’t interesting they will drown within the other posts that are already crowding these groups.

Well now there you have it, some pros and cons that I’ve come across. I’m sure you have some more points to add, do mention them in our comments section and we’ll be glad to include them in our next post.