Time tracking provides necessary information on efficiency, productivity, and the number of resources consumed against the amount of time spent. Companies and individuals have come to realize the key to achieving their goals. This key is tied closely to how best they can manage one of the most limiting resources – time. This realization is a fact, and the achievements of businesses and organizations that have the best applications that help them in managing time have proofed this. Wasted time is money lost, or in other words, time is money. Hence we have work hours tracker as our saviour.
Recruiting strategies is a topic talked about extensively, this comes as no surprise due to an ever changing Recruitment Industry. In such a scenario staying updated and being able to match up to the current trends followed is a difficult task. The latest strategies to spot the right fit candidates include digital Recruiting methods that incorporate more visual aids to boost the entire process.
We are all familiar with the start to end processes of Recruiting but do we implement these new strategies in our plans? That’s the real question and here are some innovative Recruiting Strategies Recruiters ought to try out!
Use Pictorial Representations
If you’re in the Recruitment Industry and are following the age old traditional methods you might want to rethink you’re approach to hiring. Pictorial representations are widely followed techniques of recruiting in several organisations. As a modern Recruiter creativity is given preference too when conducting candidate selections. Job Adverts in the form of Inforgraphics and jobgrams are beating the boring Job Specs. These are even boosting up the number of applicants for various positions.
Mobile Recruiting
With the purchases of smart phones going viral you need to incorporate mobile recruiting in your strategy. It’s the smart way of approaching the talent you seek. Even better are utilising chat applications like WhatsApp, Snapchat to get immediate responses. You are bound to get a reply faster and even monitor the status of the message dropped.
Create videos and podcasts
Another great way to get the candidate’s attention is by creating videos and podcasts about the requirement. Since people respond better to something new, it will automatically increase the response rates to your postings. These can be attached to your Tweets or on the career page of the organisation to get the ball rolling on the application front.
Opt for Optimum use of Social Media
Get you creativity and efforts out there on Social channels to receive responses to your posts. Leverage Social Media to its optimum level and speed up the applicants you receive. If you looking for specific talent then there are several online communities that cater to gathering specific talent collectively in one place for instance Pinterest, Flickr and Tumblr. Your can even create lists and build your talent pipelines simultaneously.
Get the Apps and tools that help you source faster
The internet is continuously swamped with tools and applications that are sure to assist you in your search for talent. There are also several websites that cater to gathering candidates on these websites to assist the hunt for talent.
Well these are few strategies that I’ve come across that can be the answer you’re looking for to spot and make your hires count. These are the types of applicants you want to catch as they are the ones that can assist the growth of your organisation to it a success.